Shopping carts overflowing… but checkouts empty? Learn 4 effective strategies to reduce cart abandonment and turn browsing into buying!

Every online store owner knows that cart abandonment is the bane of existence. You’ve spent countless hours creating a beautiful website, showing off amazing products, driving targeted traffic. Then, just before you’re ready to close the deal, your potential customers just walk away, leaving their carts full of forgotten treasures. According to Baymard Institute, 69.82% of online shopping carts around the world are abandoned. That’s a huge chunk of revenue that’s just sitting there.

Luckily, there are ways to fight cart abandonment and convert these abandoned carts into happy customers.

In this blog, we’ll explore four key strategies for reducing cart abandonment and boosting your online sales.

  • Transparency builds trust: eliminate hidden costs
  • Simplify your checkout process: fewer clicks, more conversions
  • Offer guest checkout: cater to convenience
  • Re-engage abandoned carts: gentle reminders can lead to sales

Let’s dive deeper into each of these strategies and discover actionable steps to create an easier checkout experience that will keep those customers clicking “purchase”!


1. Eliminate hidden costs:

Less clicks, more conversions If you’re an online shopper, you know how frustrating it is when you find the perfect outfit, add it to your cart and are about to check out, only to find out that shipping costs and taxes have inflated the total price significantly, leading you to abandon your cart. Invesp’s latest research shows that 55% of online shoppers abandon their carts because of unexpected shipping costs. To build trust and eliminate these barriers, transparency is key.

  • Make sure that all potential costs are clearly displayed on the product page, including estimated shipping fees and taxes, as well as any other relevant charges.
  • Offer free shipping thresholds, which incentivize customers to complete a certain purchase amount for free shipping.
  • Offer flat-rate shipping, which makes the cost calculation easier and can be attractive for smaller orders.


2. Simplify the checkout process:

Fewer clicks, more conversions. A long checkout process with a lot of steps can be a death knell for conversions. Remember, convenience is king when it comes to online shopping. Simplify your checkout process by

  • Reducing the number of fields required. Only ask for important information such as name, shipping address and billing information.
  • Offer guest checkout options: allowing customers to pay without creating an account eliminates a barrier to quick purchases.
  • Make your checkout page better for mobile devices: A large percentage of online shopping takes place on mobile devices. Make sure your checkout page is optimized for mobile users.

3. Provide guest check-out to accommodate convenience:

A lot of clients prefer not to create an account in order to make a single purchase. One excellent strategy to accommodate this kind of customer and streamline the purchasing process is to offer a guest checkout option. Here are some pointers to assist you in designing a guest checkout process that suits your needs.

  • Ensure that the guest checkout option is visible: Make sure it’s simple and obvious to access your guest checkout option.
  • Permit visitors to save their shipping details: In this manner, customers can avoid signing up right away and preserve their shipping information for use on subsequent orders.
  • Provide rewards: Provide exclusive offers or loyalty points to guests who check out and later register for an account.

4. Gently Remind Customers to Complete Their Shopping:

Re-Engage An Abandoned Cart. No matter how hard you try, some customers will abandon their carts. Don’t give up on those customers just yet! Abandoned cart recovery emails are an effective way to reengage customers and encourage them to complete their shopping. Here’s how to craft an effective abandoned cart recovery email:

  • Send a gentle reminder within a day or two of the customer abandoning their cart. Don’t bombard the customer right away.
  • Personalize your email content. Address the customer by name and also highlight the products left in the cart.
  • Offer incentives to encourage customers to complete their purchase. Consider offering a discount code, free shipping, etc.
  • Make the email look and read attractive. Use clear calls to action and product images.

About Qubriux:

We help restaurants leverage the power of data and analytics to understand their customers on a deeper level. Imagine knowing exactly what makes your audience tick, their preferred dishes, and even their social media habits. With this knowledge, you can personalize your offerings, tailor your promotions, and create targeted campaigns that resonate with your ideal customers.

The result? A loyal following who not only loves your food but actively promotes your restaurant on their own social media channels.

Ready to take your restaurant’s marketing to the next level? Fill out the form below and let’s chat about how Qubriux can help you create a winning strategy that drives sales and builds lasting customer relationships.