In the 2010s, we witnessed a lot of brick-and-mortar stores creating an online presence to compete with their eCommerce contemporaries. The share of eCommerce in overall U.S. retail grew from 4.2% in 2010 to a staggering 14.5% in 2022.

The cost of customer acquisition is one of the major concerns for brick-and-mortar stores in a rapidly evolving commercial landscape. While the regular crowd tends to shuffle in, there really haven’t been many new ways to find new customers for your average retail outlet or restaurant. ā

And this is the case for well-established brands. Newer stores face major roadblocks in expansion due to soaring costs of customer acquisition and poor monthly footfall. As new businesses struggle to find more prospects, there is new hope in the form of marketing technology that helps offline retailers like you connect with your customers to bring them back to your stores.

Why is Customer Acquisition a Big Problem?

Most retail stores like yours still use traditional marketing strategies which come with higher customer acquisition costs that eat into your gross profit margins. You rely on the positioning of your store location, usually one of high pedestrian traffic such as malls or popular shopping streets. These places usually have a higher leasing cost. Moreover, your competition is right next door or on a different floor that not all customers who walk by really tend to walk in.

Stores that are a bit more technologically developed use email marketing to send out invites and promo offers to make customers visit their location. The industry open rates for such emails tend to be less than 10%. Even with a robust marketing automation setup, it is still difficult to reach out to every customer who prefers their shop by visiting a store for the sheer experience of it.

In effect, stores resort to costly print and video commercials that keep your customer acquisition costs very high, resulting in weaker growth rates, dwindling revenue, and debilitating customer churn.

Customer Acquisition Reimagined

What cannot be achieved with costly commercials can be achieved with a mobile app at the click of a button. The tech stack you need is a web app that takes care of your marketing automation requirements and a paired mobile app for connecting with your customers. This creates an exclusive channel between you and your customers to make them keep coming back to your store every time they have a shopping need.

That is why we came up with Qffer. It is the consumer mobile app that is connected to your store through our integrated marketing platform that is Qubriux. While Qubriux does marketing automation, product recommendations, surveys, segmentation, networking with other merchants and gamification of offers and discounts, Qffer delivers your promotional offers directly to your customers’ mobile devices.

Qffer is not just a mobile app. It acts as a channel to help you connect directly with your customers to have a higher engagement rate. Its Push Notifications have better response rates than email and SMS marketing. Your customers can now find your store pinned near their location by choosing the offer you have created for them.

Additionally, your customers don’t want the hassle of keeping and managing multiple apps for receiving promotional offers from the many merchants they shop from. These apps are going to be forgotten, and hidden in a folder on their smartphone. On the other hand, an app like Qffer offers your customers a one-stop shopping solution for all their offer-related shopping needs. An app like Qffer, on the other hand, helps you connect with your customer by being their one-stop solution for all their offer-related shopping experience.

The Qffer Advantage

Qffer gives your store a huge advantage with a much higher level of engagement and conversion than any other marketing channel. It is significantly cheaper than print and television commercials and opens up avenues into acquiring new customers.

It helps you beat your competitors by delivering exclusive offers to your customers. Your customers find you whenever they open the app in your vicinity. The personalized offer you create using Qffer ensures that the customer shops with you and not with any of your competitors.

Qffer is your cost-effective way to acquire a bunch of new customers in a very quick time. More importantly, you don’t have to spend big on developing a native mobile app for your store with a dedicated tech team. Qffer is readily available to be integrated with your point of sale system and lets you get started in a few minutes.

So, what are you waiting for? Start today with Qffer!

Want to get Qffer for your store? Write to us at or visit us at